Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Internet Resources

There is so much information out there that I didnt know much of. I love what I found and want to use it my classroom in the future. It can be helpful to the kids if I were to use this unit plan. There was so much information about the sun that I didnt know and im pretty sure the kids would love if were to do a project on the sun. Here are some of list of websites that I thought were helpful for me About the Sun. I loved seeing the images of the sun there were all awesome to see and beautiful. And the information sites helped me out with a lot I didn't know much about. I think technology is good way to involve kids because it will really interested to do projects and research. I can't wait to inlvove it into my classroom. There is so much internet resources out there and can't wait to search for more.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Envision Blogs in the future

I looked over David Warlick page and I found it all interesting. In general this is what I learned by using blogging can be helpful.

Well im learning using blogs is great way to communicate with the students, parents, and students communicating with each other. Technology is every where and students are no strangers to it. Blogging will promote literacy skills for the students. Several students can work together on a blog centered, or on a single topic or assignments. Also blogs record the process of collaboration, which will allow me to observe, comment, and intervene as needed while allowing students to reflect on the process at the end of the assignment. I can start a blog in my classroom as a discussion of readings or assignments. Students can perform Web searches to keep up with the topic, which stresses the importance of continual, up-to-date research, while also giving them additional practice evaluating Web sources.
So this tool will benefit not only the students but teachers as well. Im going to embrace these technologies. It can help students learn to use them responsibly and can add an exciting new element to their lessons. I can use blogs as bulletin boards, as class suggestion boxes, and to communicate with parents.

inquiry and project-based learning

Essential Question: Why is the sun important?This essential question is very important and applies to all grade levels. This question is very broad. The sun is important and we need it for many things. Practically everything that moves across the surface of the Earth is ultimately powered by the Sun, whether alive or not. Students can look into this deeply and find out many things. The sun can affect things that we need in good ways and bad ways. So I think it’s a very good essential question because students can explore into this question.
UQ1. How do plants grow?
UQ2. How does the sun effect us?
UQ3. Does the sun give the earth engery?
My unit questions allow the students to explore the essential question. The unit questions is applied to science. This has the students finding about information about the sun. And also learning more information about the sun they can see how its applied to their lives and the enviorment.Teks 2nd grade Science(b) Knowledge and skills.A) ask questions about organisms, objects, and events;(E) construct reasonable explanations and draw conclusions using information and prior knowledge; and(F) communicate explanations about investigations